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# | Wallet Address | Type | Balance | % Total Supply | Net Worth |
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Last Checked 20 Sep 2024
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Cudos is a decentralized cloud computing platform that connects blockchain technology with cloud services. It operates as a layer-1 blockchain, utilizing delegated proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus to provide secure, decentralized, and scalable high-performance computing. CUDOS, on the other hand, is also the native utility token powering the Cudos network.
The Cudo Compute platform, launched in 2023, uses CUDOS tokens for buying and selling compute capacity on the network. Moreover, the token is integral to transactions, staking, delegation, and governing the network's security.
Beyond the Cudos network, CUDOS is utilized for transactions and cross-chain transactions across the wider Cosmos ecosystem, showcasing its versatile role within the blockchain space.
The CUDOS token has a 10-year release plan, with 25% released by January 2022, 25% by January 2023, 25% by January 2025, and 25% by January 2031. The total supply is 10 billion CUDOS tokens.
The price of the CUDOS token, like all other cryptos, is constantly changing. As such, make sure to use this page to check out the CUDOS coin price at the current moment.
Yes, the CUDOS token price is influenced by market conditions. Staying informed about its performance involves regular monitoring of on-chain metrics and conducting technical analysis. Luckily, you can explore the CUDOS coin price and its other aspects using this Moralis page.
You can buy or trade the CUDOS token on the Moralis platform, leveraging its instant crypto swap feature. Connect your Web3 wallet, select the token you want to exchange for CUDOS, enter the amount, and execute the swap. However, before taking action, make sure to use the above Price Chart and Alpha Metrics sections to determine if the current CUDOS coin price offers a good entry.
To determine when to buy the CUDOS crypto, make sure to use the best crypto trading tools!