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# | Wallet Address | Type | Balance | % Total Supply | Net Worth |
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Last Checked 16 Sep 2024
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Liquity is a decentralized borrowing protocol that allows you to draw 0% interest loans against Ether used as collateral. Loans are paid out in LUSD - a USD pegged stablecoin, and need to maintain a minimum collateral ratio of only 110%.
Liquity offers the best borrowing conditions on the market with the main benefits being a 0% interest rate, a collateral ratio of just 110%, governance-free operations, direct redeemability of LUSD at face value for the underlying collateral, and resistance to censorship as the protocol is controlled by nobody.
Liquity solves the problem of high interest rates and variable collateral ratios in the DeFi lending market. It provides a stablecoin, LUSD, which can be borrowed at a 0% interest rate, with a low collateral ratio of just 110%.
LUSD, the stablecoin issued by Liquity, can be used for a variety of purposes in the DeFi ecosystem. It can be used to take out loans, earn interest by depositing in the Stability Pool, and can be redeemed at face value for the underlying collateral.
Liquity is a decentralized protocol that operates on the Ethereum blockchain. It is non-custodial, immutable, and governance-free. The protocol can be accessed via third-party frontend applications and integration services.