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Last Checked 16 Sep 2024
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Measurable Data Token (MDT) is both the name of a crypto project and that project’s native token. Moreover, MDT is pioneering decentralized data exchange. Launched in 2017, MDT empowers users to monetize their data, fostering a secure and transparent environment for direct data transactions.
The MDT coin serves as the primary medium of exchange within the decentralized data exchange platform, allowing users to seamlessly monetize their data. It facilitates transactions between data providers and consumers, recognizing and compensating the intrinsic value of information.
The MDT token was minted on the Ethereum blockchain on December 29, 2017.
The MDT price has experienced price fluctuations, with peaks in 2018, 2021, and a recovery in 2023. For the current MDT price, make sure to scroll up to the Price Chart section. Not only will you be able to see what the MDT coin price is now, but you’ll also get to see it in perspective with the token’s past performance. Plus, you’ll also see the MDT market cap, both current and fully diluted.
The MDT coin’s tokenomics include a total supply of 1,000,000,000 MDT, with a circulating supply between 60% - 67% (in December 2023). To explore other tokenomics, visit our “What is Measurable Data Token? MDT Crypto and Price Analysis” article. To explore the MDT market cap, use the above Price Chart section.
To decide whether the MDT coin is a good investment, consider your personal financial situation and your risk tolerance first. If they allow you to invest in alts, then use this page to decide if/when to buy $MDT. The Alpha Metrics and the Price Chart sections are particularly useful. They provide you with more than just the MDT price. Use them to explore MDT’s real-time, on-chain metrics, the MDT coin price on a dynamic chart, and the live MDT market cap. All the details you need to make an informed decision.