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Last Checked 20 Sep 2024


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ViciCoin by ViciNFT is a utility token designed to enhance community engagement by providing access to exclusive content, services, web applications, and live events such as Zoom video conferences. Leveraging the ViciCoin infrastructure, users can build their ecosystems and monetize their interactions within the ViciNFT community. The token runs on multiple chains, including the Arbitrum network, an Ethereum layer-two scaling solution, enabling efficient and scalable transactions. However, as you can see, this page is dedicated to the ViviCoin on Polygon.

$VCNT is ViciCoin’s ticker or symbol. It is an ERC-20 utility token created by ViciNFT Corporation. It is used within the ViciNFT communities to unlock exclusive events, premium content, and various experiences. $VCNT can be exchanged for memberships, digital and physical products, and direct access to notable members of the ViciNFT community.

The primary purpose of $VCNT is to facilitate access to exclusive resources within the ViciNFT ecosystem. This includes gaining entry to premium Zoom events, private content, special services, and exclusive community interactions. By using $VCNT, members can enhance their engagement and unlock higher-quality services and experiences.

$VCNT can be used in various scenarios, including:
- Exclusive Events: Access special events, concerts, and private meetings.
- Content: Unlock premium content such as videos, books, and lectures.
- Memberships: Enhance club memberships and gain VIP access.
- Collectibles: Purchase unique digital and physical collectibles.
- Experiences: Upgrade services like private chefs, fitness instructors, and VIP travel experiences.
- Voting: Participate in community decisions and governance.
- Monetization: Enable creators to monetize their content and interactions.

The value of $VCNT is influenced by several factors, including:
- Supply and Demand: Market dynamics based on the availability and desire for the token.
- Utility: The extent to which $VCNT is integrated into various applications and services within the ViciNFT ecosystem.
- Market Conditions: Overall market sentiment and conditions in the cryptocurrency space.
- Technological Developments: Innovations and improvements in the ViciCoin infrastructure and ecosystem.
- Regulatory Environment: Changes in regulations that affect cryptocurrency markets.

The token distribution for $VCNT includes allocations for the development team, investors, and the community. According to the project’s outlets, the initial distribution of the ViciCoin ensured a fair and balanced allocation to support the ecosystem's growth and development. However, detailed supply distribution information are not provided in the project's whitepaper.

If you wish to explore the live distribution of the $VCNT token on Polygon, use the insights offered by this page. Of course, you can also explore the ViciCoin on Arbitrum.

The vesting schedules for $VCNT involve time-based restrictions on token sales or their release into circulation. These schedules are designed to ensure a controlled and gradual release of tokens to maintain market stability and support long-term growth. However, the project’s official outlets don’t provide any details about the potential ViciCoin vesting schedules.

$VCNT introduces several technological innovations, including:
- NFT AuthZ: Authentication and access control using NFTs and utility tokens.
- Catapult: Automated fulfillment engine for high-volume NFT campaigns.
- Slingshot: Customizable NFT minting tool with flexible pricing and parameters.
- NFT Watch: Counterfeit detection tool for NFT marketplaces.
- Custom Wallets: Simplified crypto wallets integrated with smartphones.
- Concierge Services: Comprehensive NFT solutions, including development, minting, and marketing support.

$VCNT stands out due to its strong focus on community building and integration with the ViciNFT ecosystem. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, $VCNT is specifically designed to enhance community engagement by providing unique access to exclusive events, content, and services. Its integration with NFTs and the broader ViciNFT platform adds significant value and utility.

The core team behind ViciCoin and $VCNT includes:
- Jon Fisher: Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO, a serial entrepreneur and investor.
- Vit Kantor: Co-Founder and CTO, a software architect with expertise in secure distributed applications.
- Richard Smith: Co-Founder and VP Product, an engineer passionate about building model products and services.

According to the project’s official documentation, these leaders bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the ViciCoin project, driving innovation and growth within the ecosystem.

When it comes to exploring the $VCNT token price and its live on-chain metrics on Ethereum, there’s no better place than this page. But if you are interested in the ViciCoin/ViciNFT project’s progress, latest partnerships, new potential token utilities, and other announcements, then you need to check out the project’s official website, social media channels (like X (former Twitter) and Telegram), and other official outlets. You can find links to these sites in the “Token Links” section on this page.

Token Categories

Platform-Based Utility Tokens

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