HFT Coin Analysis and Hashflow ($HFT) Token Price Prediction

Since the HFT coin started trading, the asset’s price hasn’t yet crossed the ATH set on day one. However, with certain indicators hinting that the bear market’s bottom is in, the Hashflow token’s price could reverse soon. As such, we decided to look deeper into the $HFT coin’s price action, conduct a price analysis, and make some $HFT price predictions.

Updated 24th August 2023 at 08:00

HFT Coin Analysis and Hashflow ($HFT) Token Price Prediction-article

Since the HFT coin is no stranger to many of you, we’ll dive straight into the “meat and potatoes” of today’s article. As such, we’ll focus on the Hashflow token price action! Aside from going through the asset’s price data, we’ll also use the basics of TA to determine the levels of significance, trendlines, and more. We will also throw in the current real-time, on-chain data for the HFT token offered by Moralis – the ultimate on-chain analysis tool. 

So, if you are familiar with the Hashflow token and the underlying project, the initial sections will be more than enough to help you decide whether or not you should keep a close eye on $HFT.

However, some of you might be hearing about the HFT coin for the first time. As such, we decided to also include quite a decent overview of the various aspects of the HFT crypto project. So, moving forward, you can also find the basic information about the Hashflow coin (tokenomics, use case, etc.) as well as information about the Hashflow project (basics, roadmap, fundamentals, etc.).

With that in mind, you can either directly focus on the Hashflow token price and the HFT price prediction or first cover the underlying concepts.  

Full HFT Coin Price Analysis


Looking at Moralis real-time, on-chain metrics (a.k.a. alpha metrics) for the HFT coin, you can see that the token’s on-chain momentum is not strong at the moment. 

As for the Hashflow token’s price action, it’s worth pointing out that as the HFT token got listed on one of the leading CEXs, it saw a surge in price. Many tokens that start that way tend to pump in price a bit in the first hours, but their value usually goes down. And, if you look at the Hashflow token’s price chart below, you can see that was also the case with the HFT crypto asset:

Hashflow ($HFT) Token Price Prediction price chart on Binance

In the above chart, the price of the Hashflow token spiked as high as $35 on November 7, 2022 (listing date). However, on other exchanges (e.g., KuCoin), the top reached only $2. As such, it’s better to disregard that day’s wicks and focus on the daily close. The latter sits at $1-ish for the first day of the HFT coin trading hands-on.

It’s also worth noting that the listing price also varied. For example, on Binance, the token was listed at $0.15, while on KuCoin, it was listed at $0.5. 

Since its ATH and that daily close at $1-ish, the Hashflow token price has been through a lot. The first 50 days following the listing were the toughest for the HFT crypto asset. After all, the value of the Hashflow coin decreased by more than 70% in that period. The price found its bottom on December 28, 2022, at $0.2752.

From there, the HFT token started to climb back up and reached as high as $0.95-ish on February 18, 2023. However, following that local high, HFT again lost its momentum, returning to the aforementioned low.

HFT Coin Analysis and Hashflow ($HFT) Token Price Prediction TA

$HFT TA (Technical Analysis)

As you can see clearly in the above chart, the Hashflow token price again touched the $0.28-ish level during the cascade liquidation event transpiring on August 17, 2023. However, a longer wick on that day’s candle indicates a rather quick recovery above the next level of support. Plus, there wasn’t a large volume present during that selloff.

Moreover, you can see that the Hashflow coin broke out of a downtrend on July 31, 2023, and the recent dump might have been just a retest of that downsloping trendline. Still, the HFT crypto asset remains to battle with the previous support at $0.34-ish that now serves as resistance. 

Plus, at the time of writing, the $HFT price is below moving average trends (MA). And the RSI is also not indicating any bullish divergences yet. As such, it would be premature to expect the HFT price prediction to get above $0.4-ish just yet.

Hashflow ($HFT) Token Price Prediction

Based on the above-presented chart, we believe that it is highly likely that the low on August 17, 2023, will remain the asset’s bottom. However, another retest of similar levels is not out of the picture. That occurrence could print a daily bullish divergence on RSI, which may indicate that the HTC crypto is ready for another leg up.

So, if the crypto market manages to enter a bull market as a whole, the above-outlined levels will be the most likely HFT price prediction regions. And, if the Hashflow coin manages to cross its ATH daily close at $1-ish, then it will enter price discovery.

In that case, we can use the Fibonacci retracement tool to speculate on the HFT price prediction further. While that tool offers several levels, its most optimistic one (the “4.236” extension) points to $3.11-ish.  

HFT Coin Analysis and Hashflow ($HFT) Token Price Prediction-Fibonacci-retracement-tool

We can make an additional speculative HFT price prediction for the upcoming bull market by comparing the HFT coin with other leading DEX currencies. Of course, the Hashflow coin has unique tokenomics; however, by taking the ATH market cap value of the most popular DEX coin and dividing it by HFT’s circulating supply, we can get a tangible and possible target.

So, if the HFT crypto asset were to follow in the footsteps of Uniswap, the Hashflow token price could reach as high as $107-ish. 


Is Hashflow ($HFT) a Good Investment?

Many signs, including the above optimistic HFT price prediction, indicate HFT’s potential. However, there are many other altcoin opportunities to consider. Plus, you should properly think about your current financial situation and your risk tolerance before pondering the above question.

Since we are not financial advisors, we cannot tell whether or not you should buy $HFT. However, the information provided in this article should be more than enough to help you decide if the HFT coin deserves your attention.

And, if so, you ought to research the HFT crypto asset and the underlying project further. This is where the Moralis Hashflow ($HFT) token page enters the scene!

On that page, you can find all the links and resources to come up with your own answer to the above question. Plus, this page also includes the token’s real-time, on-chain metrics that will help you determine if now’s the right time to buy $HFT. 

After all, on-chain data always precedes price action. So, by using Moralis alpha metrics for HFT, you can determine if the asset is gaining or losing momentum. As such, you can time your trade much more effectively.

So, follow the above “$HFT” link or use the interactive widget below to access the token page and start researching the Hashflow token!

The Ins and Outs of the Hashflow Cryptocurrency: $HFT

So, what exactly is the HFT coin? The HFT crypto asset is the Hashflow protocol’s native cryptocurrency. It supports various aspects of the protocol itself, as well as the Hashverse, which is the project’s gamified DAO. 

The Hashflow coin was minted on April 12, 2022, on the Ethereum chain. The minting transaction created 1,000,000,000 instances of $HFT, which were distributed according to the project’s plans (see tokenomics below). 



  • Token name: Hashflow
  • Symbol/ticker: HFT or $HFT
  • Network: Ethereum
  • Token type: ERC-20
  • Smart contract address: 0xb3999F658C0391d94A37f7FF328F3feC942BcADC
  • Total supply: 1,000,000,000 $HFT
  • Inflationary/deflationary: Inflationary
    • After four years, HFT will have an annual issuance of 4%
    • Tokens will be deposited directly to the community treasury and allocated at the DAO’s discretion
  • Token allocation:
    • 19.32% to the core team
    • 25% to early investors
    • 2.5% for future hires
    • 53.18% for ecosystem development
HFT Coin Analysis and Hashflow ($HFT) Token Price Prediction-token-allocation-and-distribution

What Type of Token is $HFT?

From a technical perspective, the HFT coin is an ERC-20 token – a fungible cryptocurrency that lives on the Ethereum chain. However, from the utility point of view, the HFT token is a governance token. 

Nonetheless, since the Hashflow protocol targets non-custodial trading, it is classified as a DeFi project. As such, the HFT token can also be categorized as a DeFi or even as a DEX token.

Use Cases

The Hashflow token has two primary use cases: 

  • Governance
  • DAO health and rewards

When it comes to governance, the token follows the vote-escrow (VE) token model. This means that the voting rights are determined by the size and time commitment of the users’ HFT token stake.  

As for the DAO health and rewards, this utility comes into play within the Hashverse. The latter is the first-ever “story-verse-driven” gamified DAO and governance platform. If users want to maintain their virtual health, they need to continuously adjust the amount and duration of their staked HFT crypto tokens. And the most active users receive rewards!


What is Hashflow?

Hashflow is a crypto project that dates back to 2021 and aims to become one of the leading decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Since its launch, the platform traded more than $14 billion across multiple chains. 

At the time of writing, the Hashflow DEX supports Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Arbitrum, Avalanche, and Optimism.

Anyone with an internet connection and an active Web3 wallet (e.g., MetaMask) can access the Hashflow DEX. If you want to take that exchange for a spin, visit Hashflow’s official website and hit the “Launch App” button:



The project’s documentation offers the prioritization roadmap for 2023 and 2024:



The fundamentals of the Hashflow crypto project are all about trading cryptocurrencies in a non-custodial manner. This means the main Hashflow’s goal is to provide a good user experience that allows crypto traders to keep their cryptos in their Web3 wallets while executing trades. To achieve that, Hashflow must ensure a great UI, sufficient liquidity, and attractive conditions for both market makers and traders.


At this point, you know you can engage with the Hashverse if you hold enough HFT coins. That is the ticket to becoming a proper hardcore Hashflow community member. However, there are many other ways to get involved or at least keep track of the project’s community. For instance, you can follow Hashflow’s X (formerly Twitter) account.


You can find links to all the Hashflow social channels in the footer of the project’s official website:


What Makes Hashflow Different?

For one, the Hashflow token is unique to this crypto project; however, it does have some similarities with other DEXs’ native tokens (e.g., UNI, SUSHI). But, the project’s docs offer a special section pointing out the unique properties of Hashflow. So, here they are:

  • A hybrid on-chain/off-chain “request for quote” (RFQ) engine.
    • This allows market makers to source liquidity and price assets with off-chain pricing functions (still using cryptographic signatures). According to Hashflow, the off-chain approach offers more sophisticated pricing strategies.
  • By moving pricing off-chain, traders get to enjoy better prices, zero slippage, MEV resistance (no front-running), and bridgeless cross-chain swaps. 

HFT Coin Analysis and Hashflow ($HFT) Token Price Prediction – Key Takeaways

  • The HFT coin started to trade in November 2022, when the crypto markets were still in a bear season.
  • Following its first day of trading, the $HFT price turned downwards and reached as low as $0.27-ish. 
  • At the time of writing, the price is near its ATL.
  • A speculative HFT price prediction points to $107-ish, and a more attainable one to $3.11-ish.
  • Before deciding whether to buy $HFT or not, make sure to research the token and the Hashflow project further with Moralis page for the Hashflow coin.
  • HFT is Hashflow’s native currency that serves as a governance token.
  • The token’s distribution and allocations are far from truly decentralized.
  • Hashflow has a gamified DAO governance.
  • The Hashflow DEX’s main difference is that it deploys an on-chain/off-chain RFQ engine.

Moving beyond this article, you have some decisions to make. For one, you need to decide if you wish to give the Hashflow DEX a try and use it to swap on Ethereum and other chains. Also, you need to determine if you want to get a bag of the HFT crypto yourself. If yes, you need to decide whether you want to just trade the asset or also join the Hashverse. 

Whatever you do regarding these decisions, make sure not to forget about other altcoin opportunities. After all, the average altcoin tends to increase by 50-70x during a bull market. 

With that in mind, you ought to get familiar with Moralis Token Explorer. Thanks to this powerful tool, many Starter and Pro users have been pocketing impressive gains on all sorts of cryptocurrencies. From many meme coins, like PEPE, BOBO, LADYS, MOG, and countless others, to hundreds of more serious alts (HAKA, CVX, FXS, ILV, etc.). 

WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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