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SUN MINIMEAL is a fully balanced meal replacement developed by SUN AG, designed to provide all essential nutrients required for a healthy diet with significantly fewer calories. Each serving is meticulously formulated to include the right proportions of proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, and prebiotic fiber, ensuring a complete nutritional profile. Made from plant-based, allergen-free ingredients and produced in Switzerland, SUN MINIMEAL offers a convenient and regulated solution for those seeking a natural and efficient way to meet their daily dietary needs.

$SOIL is a cryptocurrency token integrated into the SUN MINIMEAL ecosystem's rewards program. It was initially distributed to holders of the $UN token (the initial reward token) through an airdrop, serving as part of SUN MINIMEAL's incentive system. The $SOIL token functions within the company's free reward framework, providing participants with benefits and rewards that enhance their engagement with the SUN MINIMEAL community.

WARNING: There is very little information available about the $SOIL token on the project’s official website. So, make sure to do your own deep-dive due diligence before moving forward with this crypto.

When it comes to exploring the $SOIL token price and its live on-chain metrics on the Pulse chain, there’s no better place than this page. But if you are interested in the SUN Minimeal project’s progress, latest partnerships, new potential token utilities, and other announcements, then you need to check out the project’s official website, social media channels (like X (former Twitter) and Telegram), and other official outlets. You can find links to these sites in the “Token Links” section on this page.

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