Exploring Protecc Labs’ Protectorate Protocol and PRTC Token

Protecc Labs has been around since June 2022; however, in June 2023, Protecc launched Protectorate Protocol and the PRTC token. Since the protocol is still in its early phase, now’s a great time to get acquainted with the ins and outs of it. So, after going through our in-depth analysis presented in this article, you should have enough knowledge regarding the project and perhaps decide to use the Protectorate crypto project further to earn yield or to make profitable trades of the PRTC coin.

Updated 23rd August 2023 at 08:00

Exploring Protecc Labs' Protectorate Protocol and PRTC Token-article

Moving forward, we’ll explain what the Protecc crypto project is all about, and you’ll have a chance to learn the gist of Protecc Labs. Next, will focus on ensuring you know the basics of Protectorate Protocol. Of course, we will also dive a bit deeper into various aspects of this new Protecc Labs venture. Then, we’ll devote our attention to the Protectorate coin. As such, you’ll be able to get familiar with this new token, its tokenomics, use cases, and more.

So, you can think of the first part of today’s article as a sort of basic fundamental analysis (FA) of the Protectorate crypto project. As for the second part, we will shift our focus to the PRTC token’s price action. That part will be a sort of technical analysis (TA), where we’ll also share some PRTC crypto price predictions.

With our FA and TA of the Protectorate crypto asset, you’ll be able to decide if the PRTC token deserves your attention or not. If yes, you’ll want to use the power of Moralis to research the asset further. 

So, to help you answer whether you should buy $PRTC, we’ll explain how to access Moralis page for that token to DYOR. Nonetheless, you’ll learn that there’s a lot more to this ultimate on-chain analysis tool than just altcoin researching!

Mirror page for Protecc Labs and the PRTC token

What is the Protecc Crypto? Exploring Protecc Labs

The Protecc crypto refers to Protecc Labs. The latter presents itself as the simplification layer and ecosystem partner for NFTs. While the project doesn’t have an extensive website, it does have a nice and active X (formerly Twitter) account since June 2022:

Official X (formerly Twitter) Protectorate Protocol and PRTC coin page

Plus, as outlined in the screenshot just above this section’s title, Protecc Labs does have an active profile on Mirror. This is where you can read more about the ins and outs of this NFT-focused venture.

For instance, the “Announcing Protecc” post provides some core details. This is where you can learn that the project is specifically focused on bolstering NFT liquidity. Plus, it aims to facilitate growth operations through a variety of NFT financialization (NFTfi) protocols.

All in all, according to that post, Protecc’s main goal is to become the go-to market maker for the NFT landscape. As per the words of Protecc’s core team, the NFT space really needs to improve its liquidity if it were to become an integral part of the growing DeFi space.

Also, in that Mirror post, Protecc Labs also announced a partnership with Abacus and Blur. 

Protectorate Protocol official website

What is Protectorate Protocol?

Protectorate Protocol is Protecc Labs’ initiative to create the definitive liquidity layer for NFTfi. This protocol is essentially a yield aggregation and liquidity routing platform. The latter aims to safely deploy users’ assets into a variety of strategies across partner NFTfi protocols and deliver the highest possible yield.

In addition, according to the protocol’s documentation, the Protectorate crypto project is designed to generate deep and sustainable liquidity for NFT collections. It’s able to achieve that through NFTfi protocols.

However, it’s important to point out that (at the time of writing) the protocol is in its early stage (v0.1). At this point, it offers only one core product – ETH Capsule.

Protectorate Protocol-on-Mirror

Exploring the Protectorate Crypto Project

As we proceed, we’ll take a closer look at some of the most important aspects of the Protectorate crypto project. However, feel free to dive deeper yourself. You can do so by exploring the articles on Protectorate Protocol’s Mirror profile (use the “Mirror” link on the project’s homepage).

That said, the project’s litepaper may be an even better starting point. This document explains what Protectorate is, what NFT liquidity is like today, gives you a high-level protocol overview, and more. In fact, most of the information shared herein comes from that litepaper. 

At its core, Protectorate allows users to provide liquidity through the protocol’s dapp. Anyone can access that dapp via the “Launch App” button on the project’s official website. The project aims to eventually offer many “capsules” (t.i. liquidity channels) that will accept NFTs, Ethereum, stablecoins, and other crypto assets. However, at the time of writing, only ETH Capsule exists.

Once users submit their assets, the platform determines where to deploy this liquidity. It does so by aiming for the highest-yield strategies across NFTfi. The project names the protocol liquidity providers “Envoys” and the protocol’s native currency stakers “Elders.”

Protectorate Coin Protocol v0.1 flow chart

Who is the Protectorate Protocol For?

According to the project’s litepaper, NFT traders, collectors, DAOs, and different institutions can potentially benefit from using Protectorate. After all, the protocol aims to simplify and optimize the process of providing liquidity.

Protectorate sees NFT collections benefiting from its protocol by accessing seamless liquidity provision through a diverse range of partner NFTfi protocols. For individual users, the protocol promises to maximize yield and offer a simple and straightforward UI. So, every individual should find it easy to utilize their idle NFT inventory in a single place.

As for DAOs, the Protectorate crypto project points out that using its protocol, they can (just like individual users) generate yield on idle inventory. 

Protectorate crypto project roadmap

Protectorate’s Team, Governance, Roadmap, and Community

Aside from the fact that Protecc Labs is behind the Protectorate crypto project, there are no available details regarding the project’s core team. 

However, the project’s documentation points out that one of the top priorities is transitioning to the Protectorate DAO governance soon after launch. Furthermore, that section of the docs also points out that in the early stages of this DAO, the main control will be in the hands of Protectorate Elders who will form the Elder Council.

As far as the project’s roadmap goes, we weren’t able to find any detailed milestones or timeframes. However, the team behind the protocol uses the above image for that purpose. You can see that in an animated video if you scroll down the project’s X account.

Protectorate Coin X (formerly Twitter) page

Speaking of the @Protectoratexyz X profile, it is one of the channels you can use to get involved with the project’s community. Another path is to join the protocol’s Discord server, which you can access via “linktr.ee/protectoratexyz”:

Protectorate crypto linktr.ee

What is the Protectorate Coin?

The Protectorate coin is the above-presented protocol’s native cryptocurrency. The PRTC crypto asset was born on June 28, 2023. That is when 100,000,000 instances of the PRTC token were minted on the Ethereum chain: 

Protectorate coin Etherscan page

Tokenomics of the Protectorate Crypto Asset

  • Token name: Protectorate
  • Symbol/ticker: PRTC or $PRTC
  • Network: Ethereum
  • Token standard: ERC-20
  • Smart contract address: 0xb9098D3669A78e9AfE8b94a97290407400D9dA31
  • Total supply: 100,000,000 $PRTC
  • Initial distribution (% of total supply):
    • 1% to advisors
    • 15% to investors
    • 17.5% to Protecc Labs
    • 66.5% to the Protectorate DAO treasury  
Protectorate coin distribution

Protectorate Coin Use Cases

Aside from being a tradable asset, the Protectorate coin serves governance purposes. So, the PRTC crypto is a ticket to the Protectorate DAO.

As such, anyone holding a sufficient amount (to be determined) of the Protectorate coin will be able to join the protocol’s DAO. To make this commitment, holders will need to stake their $PRTC. In return, they will receive rewards in ETH.

What Type of Token is the Protectorate ($PRTC) Coin?

The Protectorate coin is a fungible cryptocurrency that lives on the Ethereum blockchain, where it follows the ERC-20 token standard. So, from the technical perspective, the Protectorate crypto asset is an ERC-20 token. However, from the utility perspective, it is a governance token (as described in the section above).

PRTC Token Analysis

Exploring Protecc Labs' Protectorate Protocol and PRTC Token-price-analysis

The Protectorate coin has been trading since July 3, 2023. The PRTC crypto asset’s initial price was $0.1785; however, as you can see in the above chart, $PRTC’s price plummeted right after listing, with a wick marking a 60%-plus decrease in value.

The token started to find its bottom on top of the $0.088-ish level three days after listing. The PRTC crypto asset stayed in that low region over the next three days. However, on July 10, 2023, the price of the Protectorate coin nearly doubled in a matter of hours. It nearly reached the listing price but wasn’t able to stay at that level. Instead, the token’s price actually entered the aforementioned low region for a short period again before turning back up towards the $0.16-ish level.

After finding support at $0.11-ish, the PRTC crypto asset finally gained enough momentum to break above its listing price. $PRTC set its current all-time high (ATH) at $0.2573 on July 18, 2023. Next, the price of the Protectorate crypto token took a downturn again and reached $0.088-ish again 15 days later.

Then, the price stayed below the ten-cent mark until August 9, 2023, when it finally turned upwards again. However, it found resistance at $0.16-ish again. On August 19, 2023, $PRTC bounced off of the $0.11-ish level and is currently sitting at approximately 13 cents.  

Protectorate (PRTC) Coin Price Prediction

The most likely short-term price predictions for the Protectorate coin would be the levels of significance outlined in the above chart. However, if the PRTC crypto continues its uptrend, it could eventually break above its current ATH level. 

While that scenario may not necessarily happen any time soon, it is likely to take place during the upcoming bull market. In that case, the PRTC token would enter the price discovery mode. As such, we can use the Fibonacci retracement tool to determine the most optimistic price target by focusing on the “4.236” extension level. The latter points to $0.8-ish.


However, we’ve seen many NFT-related projects cross the one-billion USD market cap in the previous bull run. As such, the Protecc Labs project definitely has additional upside potential.

So, presuming that 50% of the Protectorate coin’s total supply enters circulation and the asset reaches the one-billion USD market cap, the price per PRTC crypto token would be $20.  


Should You Buy $PRTC?

We are not financial advisors, so we cannot answer the above question on your behalf. Plus, only you know your current financial situation and your risk tolerance. So, follow these steps to come up with a reliable answer:

  1. Use the sections above to determine if the Protectorate crypto asset deserves your attention.
  2. Decide if you just want to trade the token or if you would also like to use it to participate in the Protectorate DAO.
  3. Use the Moralis Protectorate ($PRTC) token page to research the asset further. 
  4. If you decide that you do want to get a bag of the Protectorate coin, use the alpha metrics (real-time, on-chain data) to get your timing right.

Follow the “$PRTC” link above or use the interactive widget below to determine whether or not you should buy this crypto. 

Whether you decide to buy PRTC or not, keep in mind that there are countless other altcoin opportunities. Since the average alt tends to increase in value by 50-70x during the bull market, it’s well worth exploring those opportunities. 

Fortunately, it has never been easier to find tokens before they pump. After all, the core Moralis feature, Token Explorer, serves that exact purpose. Just by running preset or unique strategies, you can generate a list of altcoins with potential in seconds! That’s how casual and professional traders have been catching the latest rallies of many coins (e.g., HAKA, ALLIN, CVX, FXS, ILV, etc.)     

Plus, the tool is free, so you can get going today. However, if you are serious about your altcoin trading, you’ll want to opt for the Starter or Pro plan sooner rather than later!

The Best Place to Buy $PRTC

If you decide you wish to get a bag of $PRTC, you have several options. Just use the “Market” section on CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap page for that token. There, you’ll find a list of all CEXs and DEXs that offer the relevant training pair, including the trading volume. As such, you can easily pick a market that best suits your goals.

How to Buy the Protectorate Coin

If you decide to buy Protectorate Coin tokens, use the above instructions to find a DEX or CEX that has a sufficient trading volume for that crypto.

If you decide to use a DEX, then you’ll need a hot Web3 wallet (e.g., MetaMask), which you’ll need to connect to the platform. Next, you’ll be able to select the trading pair and execute the on-chain transaction.

In the case of using a CEX, the process is arguably even simpler. After all, once you have your account ready and funded, the process is rather straightforward: simply visit that token’s trading pair and execute the trade. However, keep in mind that whenever you use CEXs, you are not in full control of your cryptos. “Not your private key, not your crypto!”

Exploring Protecc Labs’ Protectorate Protocol and PRTC Token – Key Takeaways

  • Protecc Labs came to life back in 2022 with the goal of becoming the leading simplification layer and ecosystem partner for NFTs. 
  • In 2023, Protecc Labs launched the Protectorate Protocol.
  • The goal of this protocol is to bring an element of cohesion across the NFTfi landscape by providing sufficient liquidity and enabling users to earn the highest possible yield.
  • Protectorate coin is the protocol’s governance token that follows the ERC-20 token standard on the Ethereum chain.
  • The price of the Protectorate crypto assets still sits below the token’s listing price.
  • If the project manages to attract users, the $PRTC price could increase significantly in the upcoming bull run.
  • To determine if and when you should buy $PRTC, use Moralis page for that token.
  • Don’t forget to explore other altcoin opportunities with Token Explorer. 
WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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