Is TURBO Token Going to 100x? Exploring the Turbo Toad Token

Did you know that the TURBO token was created using ChatGPT? The Turbo Toad Token project went on an insane price rally following its launch on April 29th, 2023. The price per token reached $0.003046 (the current ATH) within the first week. Despite the recent 80%-plus retracement, the TURBO token’s market cap still sits well above $80 million.

Updated 9th May 2023 at 22:55

Plus, Turbo Toad Token maintains some impressive on-chain stats. Just look at the Moralis page for TURBO below – the token gained more than 13k experienced buyers in the last week.    

It was thanks to its on-chain traction that many Moralis Pro users could spot the TURBO token as it went live. Then, they could also detect when it was gaining some initial momentum. As such, many of these traders were able to ride a significant portion of TURBO’s initial 100x-plus rally. 

But what’s next for TURBO?

Is Turbo Toad Token still a good investment? Should you buy TURBO today? What is TURBO in the first place? These are just some of the questions that today’s article will help you answer. So, if you wish to focus on this GTP-4-inspired meme coin, read on!

If you wish to learn how to spot these massive meme coin opportunities before their initial pump, jump into the “Beyond the TURBO Token – There are Countless Altcoin Opportunities” section. In that section, you’ll learn how to easily find crypto gems today – all it takes is a few clicks! Does that sound too good to be true?

Just use the interactive widget below to experience the power of Moralis firsthand!

What is the TURBO Token?

The TURBO token is one of many meme coins on the Ethereum blockchain. Like other fungible tokens on the leading programmable chain, TURBO follows the ERC-20 token standard. So, in the ongoing 2023 memecoin season, Turbo Toad Token is nothing special – it’s just another memecoin.

However, the story behind this altcoin is quite unique. Of course, you have to decide if you believe that the story is legit or not, but as per the project’s website and socials, Turbo Toad Token was created by following instructions generated by GPT-4.

The creator of the token asked ChatGPT how to create the next big meme coin with a budget of just $69 and then pledged to follow this powerful AI tool’s instructions. 

That said, we leave it up to you to decide whether you like the project or not. Apparently, there are many folks who do, as Turbo Toad Token has quite an impressive community. The project’s Twitter account has over 30k followers, and its Discord channel has 8k-plus members.   

Turbo Toad Token Twitter Account Page

As you can see in the above screenshot, the project doesn’t even have its own domain. It’s quite mindblowing to see something like that for a nearly $100 million market cap project. That’s only possible in the crypto space!

TURBO definitely has the potential to go much higher, especially if the upcoming bull run is all about meme coins.

TURBO Token Homepage

A Closer Look at TURBO: Tokenomics, Price, and Speculation

If you look at meme coins’ tokenomics, they are typically far from impressive. For starters, most tokens of this sort have an extremely large token supply, often in trillions. However, in TURBO’s case, the total supply is not that large. After all, there’s a total of 69 billion TURBO tokens. 

The initial distribution of those 69 billion was as follows: 60 billion was crowdfunded, while the founder kept the remaining 9 billion.

There are no taxes on TURBO token transactions, and the creators renounced smart contract ownership. So, like most meme coins, TURBO is community driven.  

TURBO Token Price Chart

$TURBO Price

If you look at the hourly chart presented above, you can see the TURBO token’s massive rally it initially experienced. The latter had two phases. In the first phase (the first 50 hours following its Uniswap listing), TURBO climbed from $0.00001773 to $0.0007749. That’s more than a 40x increase.

Following that local high, the price pulled back about 70% and then pumped to the token’s current all-time high (ATH) at $0.003046. That was another 10x-plus rally in less than two days. Moralis Pro users had a chance to ride either or both of these pumps. After all, Moralis was clearly indicating that TURBO was gaining a lot of on-chain traction. 

Following TURBO’s ATH, the price pulled back more than 80% as the leading cryptocurrency – Bitcoin – also experienced a slight correction. The price found the local bottom at $0.0005095 and has already printed a new higher low. However, TURBO hasn’t yet been able to break above the $0.0015 range, which seems to be the current resistance level.        

TURBO Token Price Prediction

$TURBO Price Speculations

Whenever you look at cryptocurrencies with a lot of historical price data, you can use technical analysis to predict price levels. However, when you look at the new tokens, especially meme coins, all predictions are out of the window. But that doesn’t mean we can’t speculate on how high the price of TURBO might go. 

Therefore, let us consider the three most successful meme coins and their ATH market caps. Then, we can use those values and divide them by TURBO’s token supply to determine the price per token for this “toad” alt. These are the values we get:

  • If TURBO was to reach PEPE’s ATH market cap, the price would be: $0.0233
  • In case TURBO was to match SHIB’s ATH market cap, we’re looking at $0.6305
  • Lastly, if TURBO was to reach DOGE’s ATH market cap, then we would see $1.1936

It’s up to you to decide whether you wish to get your “moon bag” of the TURBO token. Do not forget to consider TURBO’s on-chain data!

But before you decide, make sure to cover the following sections. They will help you spot other opportunities with a much higher potential for massive gains.

Beyond the TURBO Token – There are Countless Altcoin Opportunities

Did you know many altcoins tend to experience 50x-70x gains during the bull market? However, many alts even go on much higher price rallies. As such, 100x and even 1000x profits are not uncommon in crypto.

A great example of an altcoin that performed a 1000x-plus rally in the last bull market is Polygon (MATIC):

Our in-house traders were able to capitalize on gains from MATIC, thanks to looking at on-chain data! You can ride similar gains by using Moralis!

Fantom (FTM) is another one – it did even better as it experienced a 2000x-plus price increase:

These assets come from pretty serious projects with large teams and actual use cases. Meme coins have none of that and still manage to go parabolic! 

For instance, just look at PEPE’s chart below. This token that started the 2023 meme coin season pumped more than 450,000x in just 21 days, and that’s outside a bull run:

Unless you have something against making profits, you must wonder how to spot these amazing opportunities yourselves. Also, how can you time your entries and exists properly? 

In short, you need to look at on-chain data! Why? Because on-chain activity always precedes price action.  

So, you need a user-friendly tool that will help you interpret on-chain data. This is where Moralis enters the scene. 

Many casual traders have already been pocketing large profits by spotting the MONG token, WSB Coin, the JEFF coin, the STEVE token, etc., with Moralis. However, the bull run hasn’t started yet, so now is still a great time to learn how to make the most out of Moralis.

Moralis Features

On-chain tools are nothing new; however, many are complicated and useless for most traders. Why? Because they are created by data scientists who have never traded altcoins. As such, a typical on-chain tool provides countless advanced charts that cause information overload. Then – crippled by analysis paralysis – users don’t take any action.  

But Moralis smashed that tradition – it is the first on-chain tool that provides easy-to-understand, actionable results. After all, everyone knows how to read a list of tokens!

TURBO Toad Token on Moralis Platform

Aside from simplicity and user-friendliness, Moralis tackles FOMO, scams, and time scarcity. These are the three most common hurdles 99% of all altcoin traders experience. But with Moralis core features: Token Explorer, Token Shield, and Token Alerts, you get to jump over them.

  • Token Explorer – Use unique search criteria to spot the best altcoin opportunities early. By doing so, you’ll never FOMO into a position again! 
  • Token Shield – Minimize your risk of being scammed by rug pulls and other shady moves. Let security scores help you stay on the safe side. 
  • Token Alerts – Save your favorite queries and use them to spot new opportunities on autopilot. Simply set up email alerts to be notified whenever a new token matches your search criteria. No more missing out on amazing opportunities because you lack the time to analyze the markets! 

Find the Next TURBO Token

You can generate your first list of altcoins with potential using Moralis with a single click. Simply visit the Moralis homepage and click on one of the preset filters:

With a Moralis Pro plan, preset filters can help you spot the next crypto gem. However, as you can imagine, preset filters are available to all Moralis users. So, they are not the best way to spot unique opportunities. 

With that in mind, you should apply your own combo of search parameters. You can do this by tweaking your query or by starting from scratch. 

Essentially, you want to master this simple three-step process:

  1. Open Token Explorer.
  1. Apply the Coin Age filter if you want to find newly-minted coins. Or, target more seasoned altcoins by applying the Market Cap metric. 
  1. Refine your list by focusing on coins gaining on-chain momentum or losing it (if you look to exit your position or short the market). Just add filters like Holders, Buyers, Experienced Buyers, and Liquidity

Once you use proper values, the above three steps will provide several opportunities. However, if you still see too many or too few coins, refine your search. You can either tweak the values of your existing filters or add more filters. 

Next, do your own research (DYOR) on tokens that caught your eye to determine which ones are a worthy investment. 

To Go Pro or Not to Go Pro?

Moralis is a free tool – anyone with internet access can use it. However, free plan users are limited to monthly and quarterly timeframes. 

As such, they can still find opportunities but cannot be the first ones on the ball! That privilege is reserved for Moralis Pro users. Those who decide to upgrade can explore on-chain activities on the lower timeframes (weekly, daily, and hourly). In turn, they get to spot alts getting ready to rally.

We know that it’s your time to find those altcoin gems. So, make sure not to miss yet another bull run!

Is TURBO Token Going to 100x? Exploring the Turbo Toad Token – Summary

In today’s article, we first covered the basics of Turbo Toad Token. As such, you now know that the TURBO token is yet another meme coin that was born during the 2023 memecoin season. The unique aspect of this altcoin is that its creator followed instructions provided by ChatGPT.

We also looked at the token’s price action and speculated on how high it could go during the next bull run. So, you now know that TURBO already had quite a massive run in its first days. However, you also know that if it ends up following the footsteps of the most successful meme coin, it could still go much higher.

You also learned about Moralis and how it can help you spot many other altcoin opportunities. As such, you shouldn’t limit yourself to any particular token. 

So, make sure to get familiar with Moralis and make the most of the upcoming bull run!

WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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