The #1 Crypto Pump Detector for Cryptocurrency Pump Signals

Explosive moves to the upside occur in all markets; however, with crypto assets, especially altcoins, such moves are pretty enhanced. Why? Well, the volatility of these assets is simply incomparable. On the one hand, this poses an additional risk, but on the other, it offers some of the greatest financial opportunities. The challenge is to spot these moves before they actually happen. Fortunately, with the #1 crypto pump detector, you can find and receive crypto pump signals to get that ultimate edge!

Updated 18th July 2023 at 23:00

Price chart showing a magnifying glass illustrating crypto pump signals and how to find them

As we dive into today’s article, we will first explain what makes crypto pump signals so valuable. As such, we’ll take a glance at some of the past altcoin rallies in order for you to see what profits are on the table. Of course, most traders, especially casual ones, typically don’t have the skills or the tools to catch those rallies. However, with a reliable crypto pump finder, everyone stands a chance. So, we’ll look closer at the best crypto pump detector: Moralis. This ultimate on-chain analysis tool covers a full spectrum of functions and features one needs to make money with altcoins.

Moralis crypto pump signals feature will be our main focus. The latter can be used to keep an eye on individual altcoins as well as on the entire altcoin scene. What’s more, we’ll show you how you can start using that powerful feature today!

In addition, we’ll also glance at some other game-changing features of Moralis. This is where we’ll point you in the direction that will enable you to dive deeper into mastering the ins and outs of this amazing tool.   

What are Crypto Pump Signals?

In short, crypto pump signals are messages or notifications distributed to traders in the cryptocurrency market. Furthermore, crypto pump signals can be both good and bad. For example, there are signals distributed by Telegram groups with the goal of inflating the price of a specific cryptocurrency by creating a sudden surge in buying activity. The goal is to attract unsuspecting traders and investors to join the buying frenzy, driving up the price rapidly.

However, crypto pump signals can also refer to metrics and filters set by a trader using a crypto pump detector tool that executes, and a signal is sent to the user. For example, a trader might set crypto price alerts using Moralis for various assets to send crypto pump signals once the prices for these assets increase by 10%.

When Crypto Pump Signals Hit, Cryptocurrency Can Rally 1,000x

The average altcoin tends to increase by 50x-70x in value during a bull market. That said, there are many alts that offer 100x, 1000x, and even larger returns!


Just look at the above charts, and you’ll see what we are talking about. These are just four out of many examples that exceed the 70x threshold. We were lucky enough to know how to detect early crypto pump signals and enter many of these coins early.

However, back then, we didn’t have a proper crypto pump finder. Instead, we had to spend hours upon hours exploring, analyzing, and parsing on-chain data. Although the reward made our efforts pay off, the incredible feeling of making such massive profits inspired us to find the ultimate way to empower other traders. That’s how the best crypto pump detector was born. But before we dive into this aspect of Moralis, let us shake your thoughts up a bit regarding what’s actually possible in terms of gains!

You’ve most likely heard of the PEPE token before. However, did you know that this meme coin increased in value by more than 100,000x in just 23 days? And it did so outside the bull market! 


So, you don’t need to wait for the bull run to make incredible gains with altcoins. 

Plus, since PEPE went live in April 2023 – when Moralis was already live – many Moralis users had a chance to pick up these alt’s crypto pump signals and make life-changing profits.

Of course, PEPE’s rally is far from ordinary. That said, 2x, 5x, 10x, and larger pumps are on the altcoin table weekly, often even daily. So, we encourage you to learn how to use the best crypto pump finder to catch those opportunities in this article!     

The #1 Crypto Pump Detector for Cryptocurrency Pump Signals-is-brought-to-you-by-Moralis-Money

Exploring the Best Cryptocurrency Pump Detector for Pump Signals

Moralis is the best blockchain analytics tool. It utilizes the power of real-time, on-chain data and enables users to access those insights in a user-friendly, actionable manner. And, since on-chain activity always precedes price action, it is this type of data that must be used to deliver the best crypto pump signals. 

There are many ways you can use Moralis to take your altcoin investing/trading to the next level. We’ll expand on that in one of the upcoming sections; however, when it comes to using this tool as a crypto pump detector, Moralis Alerts are at the forefront. 

As mentioned in the introduction, there are two types of alerts that Moralis offers. One focuses on spotting the best altcoin opportunities, while the other on providing crypto pump signals for particular cryptos. 

So, the first one is all about you creating a unique combination of on-chain search criteria (a.k.a. winning strategies). These strategies enable you to spot on-chain metrics that indicate a potential pump among all altcoins on any of the leading EVM-compatible blockchains (Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Fantom, etc.). Furthermore, you can save these strategies and create signal alerts. Then, you can run these strategies on autopilot to ensure you receive crypto pump signals for coins matching your criteria straight into your email inbox:

The second way to use Moralis as a crypto pump finder awaits you on the Moralis token pages. You can access these pages by, for example, selecting a token from Moralis dynamic lists of tokens or by using the search box in the top menu bar. Then, you can create an individual alert:  

How the Moralis Crypto Pump Signal Finder Solves a Critical Issue Among Traders

Aside from managing FOMO and avoiding crypto pump-and-dump scams, most crypto traders face the issue of not having enough time. After all, the ultra-fast pace of the crypto markets demands constant attention. If traders do not dedicate their wholehearted attention to the market, the best opportunities are easily missed.

Moreover, most of us do not have the luxury of going full-time crypto and spending the entire day in front of the screen. That’s why all Moralis users value the above-outlined alert features so much; they are a huge time saver!

The #1 Crypto Pump Detector for Cryptocurrency Pump Signals-overcome-time-scarcity-with-Moralis-Money

So, instead of being locked to your screen, you can be anywhere else. While you attend to your other commitments or enjoy your free time, Moralis crypto pump detector keeps a close watch on the altcoin markets.

By running your unique strategies, you’ll be able to detect any new altcoin that matches your search parameters. And, by setting up special alerts for your favorite alts, you’ll spot their increasing/decreasing on-chain moment on time. 

Hence, not only will you save a ton of time, but you’ll also obtain peace of mind. By knowing that a powerful tool is keeping an eye on the markets on your behalf, you’ll be able to relax and focus on other stuff. So, let this ultimate crypto pump finder help you bridge the time scarcity gap today!  

How to Set Crypto Pump Signals

By this point, you know about the two different types of crypto pump signals you can automate with Moralis. However, do you know how to set those alerts up?

Moralis is highly intuitive, so you could easily figure this part out just by starting to use the tool. But since we want to make things as straightforward for you as it gets, we prepared some useful animations. 

First, make sure you have your Moralis Starter or Pro account ready. This is the prerequisite to using the alert features.

When it comes to setting up Moralis as a crypto pump detector for the entire altcoin market on a particular chain, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Find a combination of Token Explorer metrics that returns solid results.
  2. Save that combo of search parameters as one of your favorite strategies.
  3. Activate alerts for that particular strategy by hitting the bell icon and setting up your preferences:

As for the alerts regarding the activity of individual tokens go, use these tips:

  1. Visit the Moralis token page for an alt you want to keep an eye on.
  2. Hit the “Create Alert” button.
  3. Set up your preferences:

Note: You can find more detailed tips on how to set crypto price alerts for buy and sell signals in one of our past articles.

Using Moralis Features Combined with Crypto Pump Signals

As soon as you start using the Moralis Token Alerts feature, you will automatically start engaging with other functionalities that this powerful tool has to offer. For instance, aside from Token Alerts, the other two Moralis core features include Token Explorer and Token Shield

The former is all about spotting the best altcoin opportunities at any given moment. So, it also empowers you to find tokens before they pump, which is one of the key elements of making money with altcoins. By the way, if you wish to learn how to do that, use the link in the previous sentence.

As for the Token Shield, it is an automated feature. It does its thing whenever you run a preset filter or your unique strategies. Essentially, it performs security checks for all the tokens that match your search criteria and gives them a security score (1-99). Plus, Token Shield also enables you to apply the Security Score filter and automatically focus only on tokens that match your risk tolerance. This feature helps you reduce your risk of buying scammy coins and avoiding crypto pump-and-dump scams.     

Aside from the aforementioned three core Moralis features, the tool has a lot more to offer. With Moralis token pages, you can DYOR for any altcoin that lives on any of the leading EVM-compatible chains. Plus, these pages give you the edge in the form of real-time, on-chain metrics. In turn, they allow you to determine whether now’s the best time to buy the token in question. 

The Moralis token pages also incorporate the instant crypto swap feature. So, if you conclude that now’s the right time to buy or sell, you can do it right on the spot.

Nonetheless, there are several other powerful functionalities you ought to explore:

The #1 Crypto Pump Detector for Cryptocurrency Pump Signals-other-Moralis-Money-features

Other Ways to Receive Crypto Pump Signals: Telegram Groups

It’s worth mentioning that Telegram groups are also a very popular source of crypto pump signals. However, before you join any of these groups, make sure to be extra cautious. After all, there are many scammy groups out there coming up with new ways to get a hold of your funds. Plus, many Telegram groups are often run by traders that want to fill up their own bags.

However, if you start using Moralis, especially if you opt for the Pro plan, you will start generating your own crypto pump signals. 

As such, you will no longer need Telegram groups to present you with the best opportunities. Plus, you will actually have a chance to be the first on the ball!

So, start using this ultimate crypto pump finder today!

Visit the Moralis homepage or simply use the interactive widget below:

Summary – The #1 Cryptocurrency Pump Detector for Crypto Pump Signals

We covered quite a distance in today’s article. We first reminded you of the impressive altcoin opportunities that can, more often than not, offer 50x-plus returns. Of course, as with any other high-reward play, investing in or trading altcoins comes with risks. So, to minimize your risks and increase your chances of success, you need to use the best tools available. You now know that when it comes to crypto pump signals, there’s no better tool than Moralis.

Furthermore, we explained the gist of Moralis alert features. We even showed you how to use this tool as a crypto pump detector. Using our tips and animated instructions, you should be able to put this ultimate crypto pump finder to good use. 

Nonetheless, we informed you about other powerful and useful features that Moralis has to offer. So, you now know that in order to make the most out of altcoin opportunities, you ought to explore this on-chain tool’s entire arsenal:

  • Use Token Explorer to run unique strategies and spot the best altcoin opportunities at any time.
  • Consider Token Shield’s security scores to avoid scams.
  • Utilize the power of Token Alerts to keep a close eye on altcoin markets as a whole as well as individual coins. 
  • Keep track of your portfolio with Moralis “My Wallet” feature.
  • Collect Moralis Beans for extra rewards.
  • Use Moralis token pages to research individual alts and get the entry/exit timing right.
  • Save your favorite alts.
  • Rate altcoins as you explore them and see what ratings other users have given them.
  • Use the instance swap feature to buy/sell altcoins the easy way.
  • Join one of the most advancing communities of crypto degens.   
WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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