What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token?

The Arkham crypto token, ARKM, has been around since July 5, 2023, and has already gained nearly 20k wallet holders. The token’s trading volume has also been relatively high. After a look at its fundamentals and on-chain metrics, we decided to examine Arkham Intelligence further and provide you with an in-depth look at this project so you can get better acquainted with Arkham and the ARKM token. The content outlined in this article should also help you decide whether $ARKM deserves to be on your altcoin watchlist!

Updated 24th July 2023 at 18:30

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-article

As we dive into the following sections, you’ll first discover what the Arkham crypto project is all about. As such, we’ll look at its specific use cases and its tool. After getting you up to speed regarding the basics of the Arkham Intelligence crypto idea and the Arkham crypto tool, we’ll focus on the ARKM token. We’ll explain what ARKM is, look at its tokenomics, and even analyze the token’s price. Based on that analysis and some speculation, we will share our $ARKM price prediction.

Nonetheless, we’ll even explain how to find the best markets to buy the ARKM token.

And, as a bonus, you’ll have a chance to learn how to move beyond the Arkham crypto project. But more on that later on!

Exploring Arkham Intelligence – What is the Arkham Crypto Project?

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-official-website

The Arkham crypto project (a.k.a. Arkham Intelligence) is all about blockchain data. And, as the project’s tagline suggests – “Deanonymizing the blockchain” – the project aims to add more clarity, insight, and transparency. However, to better understand what the gist of the Arkham Intelligence crypto is, we recommend looking at the project’s codex, which you can find on the official Arkham website outlined above.

According to the creators of Arkham, crypto is covered in darkness, which breeds fear and uncertainty. The latter, according to the codex, brings down confidence and growth. So, the Arkham team believes that the solution lies in bringing light by providing total crypto intelligence to deanonymize the blockchain. 

They further believe that the shroud currently covering many crypto transactions will be overcome by entity-based intelligence. The latter will be sourced from the community at scale and available to everyone. 

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-codex

The Core Ideas Behind the Arkham Intelligence Crypto Project – The Arkham Thesis

The project and the currently available Arkham crypto tool are based on the following Arkham thesis:

  • Deanonymization is Destiny – People behind Arkham believe that everyone’s blockchain identity will eventually be linked to their real-world identity.
  • Access to Crypto Data Will Be Decentralized – The Arkham team points out that while on-chain data is public, in its raw form, it is not usable. Moreover, the current tools designed to process, aggregate and analyze the on-chain data are expensive and limited to a select few. However, their thesis is that, eventually, usable on-chain data will be available to everyone.
  • Crypto is Becoming a Core Part of the Global Financial System – Arkham believes that crypto will reach mass global adoption because it is a more efficient, reliable, and robust financial system.
  • Crypto intelligence will be widely adopted – the codex states that crypto intelligence tools are more like smartphones and will eventually be used by everyone.
  • The Crypto Intelligence Economy Will Be $30B+ Annually – Arkham believes that the market for crypto intelligence will be at least as large as its traditional predecessor. The latter sits at $30 billion annually. 
  • The Future of Crypto Data is Entity Based – The project believes that “Who” is the most important aspect. Thus, they are committed to providing intelligence at the entity level and verticalizing the crypto data industries for trading, compliance, research, and portfolio tracking.
  • Crypto Intelligence Will Power Self-Regulation – The codex further states that crypto intelligence tools will play a central role in the process of crypto self-regulation via the investigation and verification of on-chain activity. 

All in all, Arkham’s mission is to map the entire blockchain. By doing so, the project aims to help everyone move on the crypto frontier with confidence.

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-platform-tool

What is the Arkham Crypto Tool?

The Arkham crypto tool refers to the Arkham intelligence crypto project’s platform. The latter is already live, and anyone can access it via the “PLATFORM” button in the top-right corner of the project’s homepage:

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-access-the-platform

Note: To gain access, you must create your free account using your email address.

The Arkham crypto tool is the initial manifestation of the above-outlined ideas. However, it is in many ways no different than many on-chain explorers you can find on the internet.

The tool already includes a dashboard where users can view transactions of tracked entities. The Alerts functionality allows users to set up alerts for specific transfers based on details (from, to, value):

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-Alerts-feature

Next, there’s the Visualizer feature that enables visual insights into transfers regarding entities, Web3 wallets, and token addresses:

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-Visualizer-feature

Here’s an example of Visualizer’s result for the ARKM token address:

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-Visualizer-example-results

The Arkham crypto tool also includes the Oracle feature, which is an AI chat where one can search for blockchain information.

Last but not least, the tool also includes the Intel Exchange feature, which was launched on July 10, 2023, judging by the pinned Tweet on the Arkham official Twitter account:

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-pinned-tweet

Speaking of the project’s Twitter account, it’s worth pointing out that it has a rather impressive following. However, it’s also worth noting that the account joined Twitter in May 2019:


So, while the Arkham crypto project went live recently, the Arkham Intelligence company was founded back in 2020, according to its LinkedIn account. 

Focusing back on Arkham’s Intel Exchange, its name tells everything – it is a place where users can buy and sell intel:

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-Intel-Exchange

Note: If you wish to explore these Arkham features and upcoming ones, you can explore the “The Platform” section of Arkham’s codex. This is also the place to learn about the intel economy. 

The Arkham Crypto Token - ARKM

What is the ARKM Token?

The ARKM token, or $ARKM, is the Arkham Intelligence crypto project’s native cryptocurrency. Its main function is to serve as the currency of the intel-to-earn economy, which was introduced with the launch of Arkham’s Intel Exchange.

ARKM Token-Intel-Exchange-structure

$ARKM is also at the core of Arkham’s system of incentives aimed at generating a positive feedback loop of the platform’s adoption. This incentive system includes ARKM rewards and ARKM discounts. The former is reserved for users taking actions that are beneficial to the Arkham ecosystem. The latter refers to discounts (up to 60%) the platform offers to the users holding $ARKM.

Another utility comes in the form of governance. According to the Arkham codex, ARKM holders can submit and approve Arkham Improvement Proposals (AIPs) to update the exchange’s smart contracts, alter exchange fees, and use ARKM allocated to the Arkham Foundation treasury.

The token went live on July 5, 2023, when “Arkham: Deployer” minted it on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s important to note that ARKM is a proxy token – a proxy token represents another asset, providing additional functionality. As for the token’s total supply and initial allocation, dive into the following sections.


ARKM Tokenomics

As you can see on the Arkham Etherescan page above, the total supply of $ARKM is one billion. Furthermore, here’s the initial allocation distribution:

  • 37.3% for the Arkham ecosystem incentives and grants
    • 28.7% (10.7% of the total) for community rewards 
    • 26.8% (10.0% of the total) to the contributor incentive pool 
    • 26.8% (10.0% of the total) for DON PoS rewards
    • 17.7% (6.6% of the total) for ecosystem grants 
  • 20% to the core contributors 
  • 17.5% to investors 
  • 17.2% to the foundation treasury 
  • 5.0% to the Binance launchpad 
  • 3.0% to advisors 

There are also specific vesting periods in place for the ARKM token. Altogether, it will take seven years for the total ARKM supply to become fully unlocked, and the initial circulating supply was only 15% of the total supply.

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token-$ARKN-tokenomics

Price Analysis of Arkham Crypto

Unlike many ERC-20 tokens, $ARKM didn’t start to trade on Uniswap but on Binance. After all, as the above-explained allocation indicates, the project decided to use the Binance launchpad. So, the largest trading volume of $ARKM is, to this day, on the Binance exchange with the ARK/USDT trading pair.


Looking at the above price chart, you can see that the token’s initial price was $0.05. However, it took $ARKM roughly five minutes to reach as high as $0.89, with a three-minute breather at the $0.5-ish level. But as you can see in the above hourly chart, following the initial 17x-plus rally, the token’s price has been in a clear downtrend.

We marked all the “important” price levels that may serve as support and resistance as ARKM’s price decreases or increases. These levels are also the most obvious price predictions. 


ARKM Price Prediction

As pointed out above, the most obvious price levels for the Arkham intelligence crypto token are its resistance/support levels. Of course, the token could also find its bottom at its listing price of $0.05 or even lower. However, that is less likely, especially if Bitcoin and the entire crypto market make a move to the upside.

So, these are the most significant price levels for $ARKM:

  • $0.05
  • $0.5-ish
  • $0.56-ish
  • $0.58-ish
  • $0.59-ish
  • $0.61-ish
  • $0.63-ish
  • $0.65-ish
  • $0.69-ish
  • $0.71-ish
  • $0.89

But since the ARKM token has a limited amount of price data, the above-outlined levels have a rather low significance level.

So, for the sake of price speculation, let’s presume that Bitcoin won’t go much lower than $28.5k and will soon move higher. In that case, we could see $ARKM find support at no lower than $0.5. And, if that level were to become the new local bottom, we may use the Fibonacci retracement tool from the token’s ATH to that level.

By doing so, the most optimistic (the 4.236 extension) short-term level for the ARKM token price points to $2.16-ish.  

Of course, once the bull run takes off, $ARKM has the potential to go significantly higher. Given that the project is backed by some influential names, a $20 or even $200 token is not impossible. However, in that case, the project should reach the one billion dollar or ten billion dollar market cap. Do you think Arkham can pull off something like that?

If so, you are probably interested in buying this altcoin at the best possible price and time, right?  

How to Buy the ARKM Token

Considering that the token launched on the Binance launchpad, this popular centralized exchange (CEX) would be the most obvious place to buy $ARKM. However, you have several other options.

Just use the “Market” section on CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap page for that token. There, you’ll find a list of all CEXs and DEXs that offer the relevant training pair, including the trading volume. As such, you can easily pick a market that best suits your goals.

But don’t forget to properly analyze the token’s on-chain metrics and price using Moralis Arkham ($ARKM) token page. After all, Moralis is the leading on-chain analysis tool.

The token pages, like the one for the Arkham token, allow you to research altcoins and view their real-time, on-chain metrics. The latter is the key to getting your timing right. After all, on-chain activity always precedes price action!

So, by accessing the Moralis token page for $ARKM (use the above link or the interactive widget below), you can further investigate this crypto. Plus, you can determine if now’s the right time to buy it by inspecting its real-time, on-chain metrics.

Moreover, whether you decide to buy $ARKM or not, do not forget to explore other altcoin opportunities. In fact, Moralis core feature allows you to find tokens before they pump!  

What is Arkham Intelligence and the ARKM Crypto Token? – Summary

In today’s article, you discovered all you need to know about the Arkham Intelligence crypto project. You now know that Arkham is all about making on-chain data more accessible. We even looked at the Arkham crypto tool and the platform’s native token: $ARKM. As such, we covered the tokenomics of the ARKM token and price action. Last but not least, we also explained how you can buy this crypto.

All in all, the idea behind the Arkham project is sound. We agree that crypto/blockchain data is the future! However, the project doesn’t point out that there are already many reliable on-chain tools you can use. And as the top choice among the tools that help make users the most of real-time, on-chain data is Moralis!

As such, explore Moralis and access on-chain data in a user-friendly, actionable manner today!

Use Moralis Token Explorer on Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, and other leading EVM-compatible chains to find the best altcoin opportunities! 

WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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