Crypto Trading Tool Trial 2023 – Try Out Real-Time Cryptocurrency Trading Analysis

Professional traders make sure to use trading tools to stay ahead of the competition. However, it can be hard to find a good crypto trading tool trial to try out before purchasing at full price.. Moralis now offers a seven-day trial crypto trading access. This on-chain trading analysis trial gives you full access to the Moralis Pro plan. So, you can determine if the tool is a good fit for you. And, if you like spotting altcoin opportunities before it’s too late, you’ll definitely love Moralis!

Updated 27th May 2023 at 17:33

Moving forward, you’ll have a chance to learn all you need to know about the best trial crypto trading opportunity. However, if you prefer to run your first on-chain query with Moralis right away, use the above interactive widget. You can select one of the preset filters or apply your unique combination of search parameters.

Throughout the following section, you’ll have a chance to learn what Moralis is all about. We’ll cover this tool’s core features and would you through the currently available option. Of course, you’ll even learn how to start your trading analysis trial with Moralis. 

And if you decide to take on this seven-day trial crypto trading offer, you’ll be joining the Moralis Pro circle. These are the casual and professional traders that have been using the Moralis Pro plan to spot amazing altcoin opportunities. We are talking about many 100%-plus gains in a matter of days. 

After all, many Moralis Pro users were the ones to spot the TURBO token, RFD Coin, APN, WAGMI, the PEPE token, and many other alts before their huge initial rallies.


So, since there’s a lot of ground to cover, let’s jump right into this trading analysis trial!    

Let Trial Crypto Trading Guide You to Large Altcoin Gains

Even if you are completely new to the crypto sphere, you must have heard of altcoins before. These non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies have offered some of the greatest opportunities in the history of mankind to make large profits in a relatively short time. 

In the past bull markets, the average altcoin offered 50x-70x gains

However, there were many tokens that performed even better – we’re talking about 100x and even 1000x-plus rallies

And, thanks to our in-house on-chain experts, we were able to spot several of those opportunities very early. We had a particularly impressive ride with EGLD and MATIC:

  • By being early, we rode most of the MultiversX’s (EGLD) 90x climb: 
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  • And, Polygon’s (MATIC) 1000x-plus price appreciation:
Spot-opportunities like-MATIC-with-trading analysis-trial

As such, we know firsthand what a thrill it is to make such massive profits. And, it’s worth pointing out that not even MATIC’s incredible rally is that uncommon in the crypto sphere. 

Just look at the Fantom (FTM) chart below. This altcoin’s three-stage rally offered a total of 2000x price appreciation:

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Though, one of the most unbelievable rallies happened outside a bull run. The 2023 memecoin season starter – PEPE – skyrocketed through charts. 

In just 21 days, this altcoin increased by well over 100,000x from its launch price. So, to realize what is truly possible in the crypto sphere, just look at the PEPE token’s chart below.


Of course, the PEPE token is quite an exception; however, large and explosive moves are very common in the crypto world. 

And, while the largest gains are typically reserved for the bull run, there are many alts popping out throughout the crypto cycles. 

So, make sure to take on Moralis trial crypto trading opportunity! This is your chance to learn how to spot the next 1000x crypto token.


Meet Moralis – The Product Behind This Trading Analysis Trial

First, you need to know that on-chain activity precedes price action. This fact makes any trading analysis trial that includes real-time on-chain insights so powerful!

Knowing this fact, there have been quite many on-chain tools launched during the last two crypto cycles. However, if you’ve used any of those tools, you know how complicated they are. They provide you with countless advanced charts that cause information overload. As such, analysis paralysis stops most of the users in their tracks. 

Luckily, Moralis broke that paradigm – on-chain trading tools do not have to be so darn tricky! 

Other on-chain tools are built by data scientists with zero altcoin-trading experience. But Moralis was brought to life by a team of seasoned altcoin traders and industry-leading Web3 devs. As such, it offers an unprecedented combination of power and simplicity

Moralis helps experienced and casual traders make the most of on-chain data. And, with its trial crypto trading offer everyone has a chance to experience the Pro plan features. The latter is the ticket to spotting new altcoin opportunities as soon as they appear.

Plus, thanks to the altcoin-trading experience of Moralis core team, this tool directly tackles the three most common crypto-trading obstacles. With Moralis, you can overcome FOMO, avoid scams, and bridge the time scarcity gap.  


Moralis Core Features

The three core Moralis features are the gist of this powerful yet easy-to-use on-chain tool. As such, it’s only fair you get acquainted with them. 

Overcome FOMO with Token Explorer

Token Explorer is the Moralis feature designed to make searching for unique altcoin opportunities as simple as it gets. 

With Token Explorer, you get to apply unique combinations of filters by selecting various metrics. Essentially, with this feature, you are always just a couple of clicks away from generating a dynamic list of altcoin opportunities. 

Since Token Explorer queries real-time on-chain data, it enables you to spot opportunities as they present themselves. So, by spotting tokens to take your positions in early, you get to overcome FOMO. 

And, Moralis trial crypto trading offer allows you to experience Token Explorer’s full potential.

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Avoid Scams with Token Shield

Unlike Token Explorer, the Token Shield feature does its magic automatically. Whenever you run an on-chain query, this feature performs security checks for all tokens that match your search parameters.

And, in response, you get to see security scores from one to 99 for each token on your dynamic altcoin list. Plus, to make things as intuitive as possible, security scores are displayed inside the color-coded shields.

So, if you wish to stay on the safest side, you ought to focus on the tokens with the highest numbers and green shield.  


You can sift through the results and consider the security scores as per your risk aversion manually. However, you can also filter out all altcoins that do not match your risk appetite by applying the Security Score filter.


Don’t Let Lack of Time Hold You Back – Use Token Alerts

The fast-paced 21st-century lifestyle leaves us with very little free time. Thus, most casual crypto traders do not have extra hours each day to search for opportunities. And, since crypto is a 24/7 market, those who are not constantly around typically miss out. 

Luckily, Moralis offers the Token Alerts feature. The latter allows you to run your saved queries on autopilot. As such, whenever a new opportunity presents itself, you get that altcoin’s details straight into your email inbox. 

And, with Moralis trading analysis trial, you get to set up this automation for up to ten queries!


Generate Your First Dynamic List of Altcoin Opportunities in Seconds 

The fastest and simplest way to get going with Moralis is to use one of the preset filters. You can do so via the interactive widget in the intro or by visiting Moralis homepage. Once there, you can use the drop-down menu to select available options and confirm your selection by hitting the “Explore” button. 

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Alternatively, you can also generate your first dynamic list of altcoin opportunities by clicking “See more” under the “New Coins with Social Activity” and “What are Experienced Traders Buying” columns. 

However, while all these preset options are a great starting point, they are not the best way to find new crypto coins or seasoned ones if you wish to be the first one on the ball. 

If you want to make the most of Moralis and its Pro trading analysis trial, you ought to apply your unique combination of search criteria. 

As such, make sure to tweak the search metrics and their parameters offered by the presets. Or, access Token Explorer and start with a clean slate. If you prefer the latter, just click “Use Advanced Explorer” or select the “Token Explorer” option from the top menu. 


The Path to Making the Most of Pro Trial Crypto Trading Offer – Token Explorer Quick Start

It’s important that you become comfortable with using Token Explorer if you wish to make the most of Moralis and its trial crypto trading offer.

As such, we’ll lay out some easy-to-follow pointers herein.

First, once on the Token Explorer page, make sure to not hold back. Be willing to experiment with different metrics and values. You can’t mess things up!

And, it is by mixing and matching those search options that you will find your unique queries and thus unique on-chain opportunities.

With that said, apply this five-step process:

  1. Select a metric
  2. Select the metric’s filter option
  3. Enter a value for that metric
  4. Select the timeframe 
  5. Hit the “Run Query” button

Moralis already offers many metrics you can search by, with new ones in the pipeline. And, the way these metrics function is highly intuitive.

For example, you’d most likely know to select the Coin Age metric if you wish to target newly-created tokens. Or, if you wish to focus on altcoins with market caps above or below a certain level, you’d go with the Market Cap filter. So, the latter is the one to use if you wish to explore more seasoned alts. The Fully Dilute Valuation metric can serve a similar purpose.

As for the metrics like Liquidity, Holders, Buyers, Sellers, etc., they help you detect an increasing or decreasing on-chain momentum. So, they will help you get your trading timing right.

So, aside from the above-outlined five-step process, make sure to also use the “Add Another Filter” button. And, then repeat the five steps for the next metric.  


A single metric will typically return a rather extensive list. But by combining multiple search parameters, you can polish your list and make the most of this trading analysis trial. 

How to Start the Moralis Trading Analysis Trial

As soon as you start applying the Token Explorer metrics, you will get to the metrics’ timeframes. And, this is where the Moralis trial crypto trading offer enters the scene. 

As indicated in the image below, you can see that lower timeframes – weekly, daily, hourly, and even 30-min and 10-min – are reserved for the Moralis Pro users. And you can experience the Pro plan to the fullest via the trading analysis trial.  


Another major advantage of the Pro plan is that it allows you to save additional seven queries. 

So, if you wish to take on the Moralis trial crypto trading offer, visit the “Pricing” page. There, you’ll see the “Start a 7-day trial here!” button, which will take you to the checkout page:


Seven days is more than enough to learn how to make the most of the Moralis Pro plan. Just by experimenting with the above-described steps, you can get a hang of this on-chain tool. However, if you’d like a more structured and detailed lesson on how to use Moralis, hit the “Start Learning” link on the tool’s homepage:


Crypto Trading Tool Trial 2023 – Try Out Real-Time Cryptocurrency Trading Analysis – Summary

We covered quite a distance in today’s article. Herein, you learned about the advantages of real-time on-chain data and how Moralis is the best tool to obtain those. After all, it provides you with easy-to-interpret and actionable results. 

You also learned the gist of Moralis core features. As such, you now know how Token Explorer helps you overcome FOMO, how Token Shield helps you avoid scams, and how Token Alerts helps you save time. And, you now know that to make the most of these features and thus Moralis, you ought to opt-in for the Moralis Pro plan. 

However, you also learned that before committing to the monthly or yearly Pro subscription, you can take on Moralis trial crypto trading offer. This trading analysis trial will give you full access to the Pro plan for an entire week. And, since you now know how to get going with this on-chain tool, you’ll be able to make the most of this trial.

It’s your time to spot those amazing altcoin opportunities! So, start using Moralis Pro today and find altcoins before they pump. Now’s the best time to get ready for the upcoming bull run!

WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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