Take Your Altcoin Trading Strategy to the Next Level with Moralis

Today, traders struggle to maximize their profits for various reasons, such as trading assets with poor metrics, falling for exit scams, or simply because of being stuck in a “beginner’s luck” phase, not knowing how to move forward in their trading strategy. If you fall into any of these situations, read on! As we move forward, we’ll give you some tips and tricks on how you can take your altcoin trading strategy to the next level and equip you with the best on-chain trading tool: Moralis!

Updated 30th May 2023 at 22:36

If you’re an action taker and want to learn about the #1 trading tool by using it, then jump straight into Moralis straight away. Use the above interactive widget and simply select one of the preset filters or apply your own combo of search criteria! Since Moralis is highly intuitive, you’ll have no problem using it to perfect your altcoin trading strategy.

If you want to learn the basics of this tool before using it, dive into the following sections. Aside from covering the basics of Moralis, we’ll lay out some useful tips on how to create your ultimate altcoin trading strategy with this powerful on-chain tool.

Illustrative traffic sign pointing towards an Altcoin-Trading-Strategy

The Right Altcoin Trading Strategy Can Change Your Life

When it comes to traditional market assets, 100%-plus moves in a matter of months are extremely rare. If fact, anything above 900% (10x) is basically unheard of in the case of unleveraged trades.

On the other hand, altcoins in the crypto market smash straight through that paradigm. After all, judging by the previous crypto cycles, the average altcoin tends to perform 50x-70x rallies during less than two years. There are also many coins that pump 100x or even 1000x in a much shorter period. 

Think about those numbers for a moment and let them sink in.

That means you can turn a $1,000 investment into $50,000, $100,000, or even $1,000,000 in months or sometimes weeks.

However, to do that, you need a proper altcoin trading strategy.

We can tell you firsthand that incorporating reliable on-chain data into your strategy is the way to go. After all, thanks to our in-house on-chain analysts, we were able to spot EGLD, MATIC, and many other alts before their parabolic moves in the last bull market.

MultiversX (EGLD) went on a 90x rally:


Polygon (MATIC) performed even better – it offered a total increase of more than 1000x:

MATIC-1000x-altcoin-in-the last-bull-run

Back then, on-chain insights were reserved for experts; however, thanks to Moralis, you can access the same on-chain data in a user-friendly and actionable manner!

Altcoin Trading Strategy Tip #1: Don’t Wait for a Bull Market

A bull market or bull run is part of the market cycle when the majority of assets in a particular asset class are in a long-term uptrend. Such a market condition, on average, offers greater returns. Moreover, a part of the bull run – when altcoins are performing particularly well – is known as the altcoin season.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that there are many individual altcoin opportunities scattered throughout the cycle. For instance, just look at the 2023 memecoin season

Sure, those of us who believe in blockchain technology have a slight aversion to these tokens without use cases. However, if there are massive profits on the table, why not seize the opportunity for some massive gains?

With this kind of mindset, many Moralis users, especially the Pro plan ones, managed to make the most of the latest memecoin craze. These same traders also used Moralis to identify other altcoin opportunities in 2023 so far. 


With the power and simplicity of Moralis on their side, they created their effective altcoin trading strategy. They could spot altcoins like TURBOWOJAKBENRFD, and many others as soon as they started gaining initial on-chain momentum.

Those who were using the Moralis Pro features at the time also spotted the PEPE token. As such, they had an opportunity to ride this altcoin’s unbelievable rally. PEPE increased by over 100,000x in just 21 days:

the-ultimate-Altcoin-Trading-Strategy-can-help-you-find the-next-PEPE

Since we are officially still in the consolidation phase of the last bear market, this clearly illustrates our point that altcoin opportunities also lie outside the bull market. So, don’t wait on the sidelines before it’s too late! 

Moralis 101

Moralis stands out as the ultimate and most user-friendly solution for identifying promising altcoins at an early stage. Its primary function is to empower traders in detecting altcoins that exhibit either positive or negative on-chain momentum.

By capitalizing on the fact that on-chain activity often precedes price movements, traders who leverage Moralis gain a strategic advantage by positioning themselves promptly and effectively.

Currently, we find ourselves in a consolidation phase within the bear market. This indicates that the most lucrative opportunities are still on the horizon as the upcoming bull run gradually takes shape. Despite this consolidation period, numerous altcoins continuously emerge and generate substantial profits, as outlined previously. So, now’s the best time to upgrade your altcoin trading strategy.


Moralis adopts a simple approach to distinguish itself from other on-chain analysis tools that present intricate and complex charts. It delivers easily comprehensible dynamic lists of tokens with potential. Consequently, users are spared from information overload or analysis paralysis, which are common pitfalls encountered with alternative on-chain tools.

The exceptional and straightforward nature of Moralis is largely attributed to the team behind its development. While other on-chain tools are typically created by data scientists lacking trading experience, Moralis is the brainchild of a group of experienced altcoin traders and industry-leading Web3 developers. It incorporates the same insights that led us to discover the aforementioned success stories involving EGLD and MATIC.

Furthermore, Moralis addresses the three primary obstacles commonly faced in altcoin trading: the fear of missing out (FOMO), scams, and time constraints. Each of the three core features of Moralis serves as a direct response to these challenges, ensuring that users can overcome them effectively.

Token Explorer – The Essence of the Ultimate Altcoin Trading Strategy

Token Explorer is one of the three core Moralis features. It allows you to explore any leading EVM-compatible chain’s altcoin opportunities based on real-time, on-chain data. By applying your unique combinations of filters, Token Explorer enables you to generate a dynamic list of tokens with potential. And, since on-chain data precedes price action, this powerful feature empowers you to spot altcoin opportunities early. In turn, you get to overcome FOMO.


Token Shield – Reducing Risks of Being Scammed

Token Shield is the second core feature, enabling you to reduce the chances of entering scammy altcoins and being involved in an exit scam. Whenever you hit the “Run Query” button, this feature performs a security check for all the tokens that match your search parameters. As a result, you can see tokens’ security scores inside color-coded shield icons:


So, the higher the score (one to 99), the lower the risk of a scam. Essentially, if you want to stay as safe as possible, focus on altcoins with green shields. 

One way to use these results is to simply consider them “manually” when looking at your dynamic list. However, you can also automatically filter out tokens that do not match your risk tolerance. In that case, you want to apply the Security Score filter:


Token Alerts – Bridging the Time-Scarcity Gap

Before Moralis, the best altcoin trading strategy was reserved for those with the luxury of being full-time in crypto. However, every casual trader gets a fair shot thanks to the Token Alerts feature. After all, most of us do not have time to spare in this fast-paced century.

The Token Alerts feature allows you to run your on-chain queries on autopilot. So, whenever you find a combo of filters that gives you good results, you should save it. Then, you can set up email notifications for your saved queries by clicking on the bell icon next to the query in question on the Moralis homepage:


Thanks to Token Alerts, you will receive email notifications in your inbox whenever a new altcoin opportunity appears. In those emails, you’ll find the tokens address that links to the Moralis token page, where you can further explore the details of the opportunity in question.

Make Moralis Part of Your Altcoin Trading Strategy Today!

Moralis was designed to be as intuitive and simple to use as possible. As such, you can generate your first dynamic list of altcoin opportunities in seconds by selecting one of the preset filters. 

While preset filters are the fastest and simplest way to get going with Moralis, they are also available to all users and visitors. Hence, they do not bring you the ultimate edge. Thus, your goal should be to master unique combinations of search parameters.

Fortunately, it is no rocket science to start applying your combo of search criteria. In fact, it all comes down to these five simple steps:

  1. Select a metric
  2. Select the metric’s filter option
  3. Enter a value for that metric
  4. Select the timeframe 
  5. Hit the “Run Query” button

Of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself to a single filter. As such, make sure to also use the “Add Another Filter” button and then repeat the above-outlined steps.  

Altcoin Trading Strategy Tip #2: Spot Opportunities Before Prices Pump

Now that you know what Moralis is and how to use it, it’s time you deploy the second tip – spot altcoin opportunities early!

We’ve pointed out that on-chain activity precedes price action. So, by spotting altcoins gaining on-chain momentum, you can position yourself properly before prices soars.

So, here are some additional pointers that will help you do that successfully. First, you must decide whether to focus on newly minted coins or the more seasoned ones. If you prefer the former, you want to apply the Coin Age metric. However, if the latter better suits your strategy, use the Market Cap filter.

You don’t want to target just any new or seasoned coin but only the ones that are gaining on-chain traction. As such, you should utilize metrics such as LiquidityHoldersBuyersExperienced Buyers, and similar. Here, you need to experiment with values and timeframes. After all, on-chain activity constantly changes, and there’s no ultimate value or timeframe that always gets the best results.

However, if you want to spot real-time, on-chain data, you should select lower timeframes. This is where the Moralis Pro plan enters the scene.


Aside from accessing the weekly, daily, hourly, and even 30-minute and 10-minute timeframes, the Pro plan enables you to save more queries and offers several other perks.

Plus, as the Bitcoin price increases and the bull run approaches, the Pro plan price also increases. As such, it makes sense to lock in the current price as soon as possible.

However, if you wish to experiment with Moralis Pro before committing to a monthly or yearly subscription, you can take on Moralis crypto trading tool trial. The latter gives you seven-day access to all the Pro perks. 


Take Your Altcoin Trading Strategy to the Next Level with Moralis – Summary

In today’s article, you had an opportunity to learn about Moralis – the ultimate on-chain trading tool. As such, you now know how to get going with this powerful yet simple tool and significantly increase your chances of making those 100x crypto gains.

With Moralis, you can discover new crypto coins as well as alts that have been around longer. Hence, this tool allows you to create and perfect your unique altcoin trading strategy. Plus, it enables you to overcome the three most common altcoin trading obstacles: FOMO, scams, and lack of time.

Nonetheless, you now know that you ought to lock in the Moralis Pro plan for the ultimate edge.

WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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