Will Crypto Recover & Which Crypto Will Recover the Fastest?

In terms of price movement, where is crypto headed? Will crypto recover, and if so, which asset will recover the fastest? Or should we perhaps expect a sudden price dump with a new low instead of a crypto comeback?

Updated 11th April 2023 at 21:11

When prices are low and sideways price action is transpiring, people can’t help but wonder what the next step is for the cryptocurrency market. So, will crypto recover? In this article, we’ll help you understand the crypto market’s big picture and provide arguments on why crypto will rally back up in terms of price. 

Plus, we will introduce you to a new powerful tool – Moralis – that will help you understand when crypto will recover and even help you identify which crypto will recover the fastest. 

Using the same insight that this new crypto market prediction tool offers, we were able to identify EGLD and MATIC crypto for incredible 90x and 100x-plus gains. 

Price Chart of MATIC and EGLD Showing Crypto Recovery from Previous Bear Markets

Those who started using this tool earlier this year were able to spot HEX’s recent 400% rally. 

Will Crypto Recover - Tweets from Moralis

Essentially, Moralis allows anyone to use on-chain signals to understand which coins are beginning to move! Detecting those moves also answers the “will crypto recover?” doubts.

Which Crypto Will Recover the Fastest?

You can take Moralis for a spin using the following iframe. Select one of the preset filters or apply your own filter by selecting one or several main metrics. This is the way to find out for yourself which coins are gaining momentum and the top crypto to buy right now.

Which crypto will recover the fastest depends on numerous factors. It doesn’t help that the crypto market is open 24/7 and is highly volatile. As such, the answer to which crypto will recover the fastest is not an easy one, and it constantly changes. 

In fact, we can’t give an exact answer. However, instead of relying on information from various sources, use the right tool to analyze the market yourself. Moreover, Moralis is the best source of real-time, clear, and actionable on-chain data!

It’s also important that you keep in mind the nature of the crypto market as a whole. The entire crypto market still follows Bitcoin’s lead (more on that below); however, many altcoins still have their own significant price rallies during the bear and bull markets. 

So, it’s important to have a tool like Moralis to help you spot opportunities before everyone else. 

Will Crypto Recover – The Price of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a useful gauge for understanding the overall crypto market’s performance. After all, Bitcoin still represents almost 50% of the entire crypto market.

Bitcoin Price Chart Addressing the Will Crypto Recover Question

On that note, we invite you to take some time to look at the above Bitcoin logarithmic monthly chart more closely. The latter also indicates Bitcoin halvings, which happen approximately every four years and have so far dictated the crypto market. 

Looking at this chart, you can see that even the largest cryptocurrency is quite volatile. As such, significant peaks are followed by severe retracements. However, the overall price performance of the crypto market is undoubtedly positive. On a large timeframe, you can see that the price of Bitcoin is in an uptrend. 

So, even if crypto is currently down from its most recent highs of around $68k, it’s important to zoom out and not get too pessimistic. While history may not repeat itself, it usually does rime – Bitcoin has traditionally always recovered from its previous lows. 

So, will crypto recover? Judging by historical data, it most definitely will. In fact, the new recovery phase may already be well underway.

To help you better understand where the crypto market is currently at, let’s also look at Bitcoin’s weekly chart:

Bitcoin Crypto Price Chart Showing Historical Recovery Data

The above chart marks major resistance and support levels, as well as the most important EMAs. Plus, you can see that the November-2022 low neatly retested and bounced off of the previous cycle’s high at approximately $16k. Since then, Bitcoin created a new higher high and a new higher low on all timeframes, which indicated the trend reversal.

Is the Bottom In?

There’s a lot of debate and disagreement regarding this question. After all, the overall global market is shaky, and the conditions and bank instability are causing additional doubt and fear. However, based on technical analysis and previous cryptomarket cyclical behavior, we can confidently say that the bottom is in. That said, things are subject to change.

So, this doesn’t mean that the market can’t go lower. It just means that, statistically speaking, it is more likely that the price won’t go below 16k in this cycle. 

If you look at the above weekly Bitcoin chart, you can clearly see that the price is at the bottom of a large resistance area ranging between $28.5k to $34k, with several significant resistance levels within that range. 

The price is also clearly above all major EMAs, which means it might retest those exponential moving averages before moving higher. So, we wouldn’t be surprised to see the BTC price come back down to the $24.5k-$25.5k range next.

We further expect the price to move sideways for some time. All in all, the full-blown bull run won’t begin before we turn the $31.5k-$34k range into support. 

But, as you may know, altcoins offer great opportunities. With proper timing, altcoins are the best crypto to invest in! They tend to perform well whenever Bitcoin is going sideways, slowly rising, or slowly increasing its value. So, as long as Bitcoin is not crushing, you can find several altcoins experiencing insane moves.  

If you believe crypto will recover as it always has, now is a great time to get ready for the upcoming bull run. So, instead of trying to guess when crypto will go back up, use Moralis and find the next big crypto early! 

Bull vs Bear

Why Crypto Will Recover

If you already have a strong-enough conviction that crypto is about to recover and go for new all-time highs (ATH), feel free to jump to the next section called “Let Moralis Tell You When Crypto Will Recover” and learn how to make the most out of Moralis. However, if you need additional reasoning why crypto will recover, make sure to read this section and its sub-sections carefully. 

After several shocking events in 2022 and early 2023 (e.g., the FTX fiasco, Silvergate Capital, etc.), it can be challenging to focus on the upside potential of the crypto market, and it’s not surprising that many still wonder, “will crypto recover?” However, there are several reasons to believe the crypto market will bounce back.

New Age Calls for New Tech and New Ways

Cryptocurrencies are poised to reshape and disrupt how money is made, stored, and transferred. We are already witnessing the increasing adoption of automated blockchain networks and smart contracts. Financial functions that require banks and other intermediaries today will most likely move to decentralized systems in the relatively near future. Of course, traditional financial institutions will try to build a centralized digital system, but the majority of devs believe in decentralization. So, banks will fall behind.

Diamond Illustrating Crypto Recovery - A diamond is a chunk of coal that is made good under pressure.

Crypto’s Already Proven Itself 

Nonetheless, cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, already have quite a proven track record. They have been around for more than a decade and made history as serious financial tools: 

  • Bitcoin is the closest thing to digital gold, with an inflation-proof mining mechanism and a grizzled security model. 
  • Ethereum is the proverbial silver to Bitcoin’s gold, with a robust platform for developing the next generation of financial tools and applications. 

Despite the last crypto market downturn, there are several reasons to believe that cryptocurrencies will recover. The increasing adoption of blockchain networks and smart contracts, the uncovering of flaws and fraudulent practices, and the potential for established cryptocurrencies to bounce back are all positive signs for the future of the crypto market. 

Investors should remain patient and find their edge with the right tactics and tools. That said, you must do your own research (DYOR). Moralis presents the easiest way to notice either individual coins breaking out or understanding when the broader crypto market is about to recover.

Will Crypto Recover? Find Out with Moralis

Let Moralis Tell You When Crypto Will Recover

Above, you’ve already had a chance to take Moralis for a spin. However, we want to give you a more in-depth guide on how it works so you can make the most out of this powerful tool!

A team of experienced altcoin traders and industry-leading Web3 developers created Moralis to help casual crypto investors and traders overcome the three main obstacles: FOMO, scams, and lack of time.

It’s also crucial to keep emotions in check and not get stuck wondering, “why is crypto down?” and “why is crypto crashing?” After all, the best time to find great opportunities is typically when markets are down.

Fortunately, you can overcome the obstacles mentioned above with Moralis core features:

  • Token Explorer allows you to query real-time, on-chain data. In response, you get a list of crypto tokens that show promising potential. That way, you can finally say goodbye to FOMO as you can front-run the price rally. After all, on-chain events precede the price action!
  • With Token Shield, you can spot risky projects. By focusing on tokens with decent security scores, you can easily avoid rug pulls and exit scams!
  • Token Alerts enable you to gap the lack-of-time issue. By setting up email notifications for your saved filters, you can scan on-chain data on autopilot. So, whenever a new opportunity appears, you get notified. Essentially, you get to find tokens before they pump without being full-time in crypto!

Plus, getting started with Moralis is as straightforward as it gets. It only takes a couple of clicks and no more than 30 seconds to generate your unique list of tokens with potential.

How to Get Started with Moralis in 4 Simple Steps

Using Moralis is as easy as pie. These four steps will help you generate a unique list of crypto coins in under a minute:

  1. Visit Moralis and access Token Explorer.
  1. Add the Coin Age filter to find all the coins minted in the last X days.
  1. Hit the “Add Another Filter” button. Adding other filters, like Holders, Buyers, and Experienced Buyers, allows you to refine your list further. That’s the way to remove garbage coins! 
  1. Polish your list further by mixing and matching additional filters. Just select a metric, select a filter, enter a value, select a timeframe, and run your query! This is the way to find your winning combo!

But if you want an even faster start, just select one of the preset filters on the Moralis homepage:

Whether you want to focus on day trading crypto or long-term investing, Moralis is the go-to option! 

Reduce Your Risk with Token Shield

Hopefully, you are no longer wondering, “will crypto recover?” Instead, you are probably excited about finding the next crypto gem. When doing so, don’t forget to stay as safe as possible! 

You don’t have to do anything to use Token Shield – it does its security check automatically whenever you run a query. Just look for the shield icons with scores: 

Your intuition probably tells you to focus on green shields and tokens with higher scores. That’s exactly what you should do. However, it’s up to you to determine your risk/reward ratio.

Token Shield also allows you to refine your token list based on the Security Score metric. For example, let’s say you only want to view tokens with a security score of 75 or higher:

Opportunities are Cross-Chain

The Ethereum chain remains the leading network; however, there are several other popular networks where devs are launching their projects. Judging by the past crypto cycles, “Ethereum alternatives” tend to offer great opportunities. For example, using Token Explorer, you can discover cryptos on networks such as Binance Chain, the Polygon chain ecosystem, Arbitrum, the Optimism chain, the Fantom chain, and PulseChain network

Moralis enables you to scan several popular EVM-compatible chains. All you need to do is select the network that you want to query with these two clicks:

  1. Click on the network frame in the upper-right corner.
  2. Select the network you wish to explore from the drop-down menu. 

Will Crypto Recover & Which Crypto Will Recover the Fastest? – Summary

So, will crypto recover? Judging by the historical price data and crypto market cycles, the answer is “yes!” While no one knows exactly when the new bull run will start, we presented data backed by technical analysis that suggests that the button is in. 

With that in mind, now may be the best time to prepare for the incredible 50x-70x gains the average altcoin offers during a bull market. You now know that Moralis is the best and simplest tool for that. Not only does this tool help you find hidden crypto gems (such as Arbitrum gems), but it also shows you the pulse of the entire market.

WRITTEN BY Matic PircI am an SEO writer, a content creator, a digital marketing specialist, and above all an entrepreneur, with a strong passion for crypto. I believe blockchain technology has a massive potential in helping us create a better, more just, transparent, and globally united future.
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